Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Pesepolis is about a young girl who wants to be a prophet but everyone thinks its wierd for her to be one since Marji is a girl. When she was ask by many other people what does she wanna be when she grows up she would be a doctor. Every time she would go to bed she would talk to god. Then the women would have to wear veils because men get excited when they see to much hair or skin on them. Then her mom dyed her hair because she was always question his power. The story takes place in Iran and as they go through a hard life. But as Marji walks every time everyone would make fun of her because she wants to be a prophet. Then on one day she says she doesn't wanna be a prophet anymore. Then god said to her how come she doesn't wanna be one anymore but she says she doesn't wanna talk about it. This story is pretty good I started to hate it but now as I read more it grabs my attenion fast.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Six Word Memoirs
I choose my six word memoir is Your born,you live, you die because while I was thinking of the future I thought how I was young and now look am about to start my life after high school. This memoir got to me because its true to many other people. This memoir has a clear statemeant your born,you live,you die so what that means to me is we don't know how life is gonna turn out. This memoir should mean live life to the fullest act like if tomorrow is your last. The reason why I choose this memoir was that all its true one day your born the another you have a family to live and have fun with then the next is you lived your life and now its time to move on. This made me change the way I am now I live life like if you'll die tomorrow. I change the way I am now when my friend says lets do this at the park I say in my head 'live life to the fullest you won't know what might happen tomorrow. The reason why I choose this the picture because while I read this picture it made me think about what might happen to me tomorrow. The pic tells you to live to the fullest. Well this six word memoir is the best becuase I live only one time better make it count.

    Your Born,you live,you die

Friday, March 9, 2012

Six Word Memoir
 Live life to the fullest always do what you can in life cuase you don't know what might happen the next day or hour....
 Your born,You live,you die

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Six Word Memoirs
The good ones leave and I mean anything or anyone they either get taken away or they just walk away and you never see them again.
  Dont let nothing outta your sight 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Six word memoirs
I have the good friends that can do anything and help you out with anything but we live in a rotten city were gangs take our friends away.
All the right friends,but in the wrong places.                             

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Whale Rider

The movie Whale Rider is about a ancient civilization in Hawii where a young man and his wife have two kids one is a girl and the other is a boy. The grandfather or father of the man who just had kids was not interested in the his grandaughter he only care about the boy and only the boy. He only cared about the boy because he can lead his tribe to a better place. When they where born the son died with the mother. The grandfather was only left with the grandaughter. So in the whole movie the grandfather rude to the the grandaughter and when the grandfather ask for the sprits to help him they didn't hear him and when the girl did it they heard her. When the whales came to help out it nearly killed them. The whole tribe tryed their best to help them but they wanted to die. Until Pie the grandaughter got on the big whale and rode him to the ocean. When Paca the grandfather realize that Pie was in the ocean he was scared that he might lose her so when they found her body he made her cheif of the tribe and lived a happy life with them.